viernes, mayo 3, 2024
Economy and Tourism

Xochimilco, Mexico City’s first Magical District / @TorrucoTurismo @SECTUR_mx >>>

#SECTUR.- Also accompanied by the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico City, Nathalie Desplas Puel, the head of the Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) indicated that Xochimilco is a fertile land of canals and chinampas, named in 1987, together with Mexico City, as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

He pointed out that, with the purpose of diversifying the tourist offer of the destinations, as well as expanding the range of experiences for potential national and foreign visitors, the Magical Neighborhoods program was created, an appointment that is granted to polygons located in cities, which, due to their history, tradition, charm and mysticism, among other characteristics, have become deserving of it.

«In Mexico City, the authorities chose Xochimilco, which today formally receives this designation. To date, each one of the federal entities of our country already has a distinctive like this,» he said.

He explained that, located in the capital of the Republic, Mexico’s main political, academic, economic, financial and cultural center, Xochimilco has captivated millions of tourists from all over the world with its colorful and famous trajinera boat rides, its plant and flower market, its 16th century Convent, its museums, its ajolotario, among other attractions.

Torruco Marqués said that in order to make the beauty of these sites stand out even more, the Magic Routes of Color strategy was implemented in collaboration with Comex and the Urban Heart Civil Association, which, through the painting of 140 house facades and 20 artistic murals in public spaces, improves the urban image of the destination.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico News tv

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