sábado, mayo 4, 2024

In terms of tourism, San Miguel de Allende was a success during the «Day of the Dead 2023 Program» / @MauricioTrejoP @GobMunicipalSMA >>>

#SanMiguelDeAllende, #Gto.- With a weekend full of spectacular cultural and artistic events, San Miguel de Allende had highly positive numbers in the hotel and restaurant sector.

After having a hotel occupancy rate of over 90% since last Monday, the tourist attraction strategy of the municipal president, Mauricio Trejo, once again paid off by generating positive numbers compared to past years’ editions.

«We are very excited, very happy with the results, it was a week full of activities, full of artistic events, traditions, culture that we always try to maintain, but above all to give both the local and the visitor and the tourist one more reason to return to San Miguel de Allende. Last year we saw that the Day of the Dead was something very cool, very emotional, and that is why the word has spread, also because of the different actions that we have done and that we have achieved. This year there were many more people than last year, especially a lot of foreign community, where (tourists and foreign visitors) came to spend one of the biggest and most important traditions we have» said Tania Castillo de la Peña, Director of Economic Development and Tourism.

During the week of events, Castillo de la Peña highlighted that, since the beginning of the last week, the hotel occupancy rate was on the rise, starting with a 90%, but closing with a figure that exceeded 98% occupancy by receiving more than 110,000 visitors, both from the national territory and from the foreign community, which, in the words of the head of Tourism, increased the number of visitors belonging to this tourism sector.

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