lunes, mayo 6, 2024

In the Edoméx, the government of Tecámac carries out a campaign in schools to prevent self-destructive behavior / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The Government of Tecámac, through the municipal DIF, carries out the «C3» program in different schools, which seeks to prevent and detect self-destructive behaviors among young people, such as alcohol consumption, drug use or domestic violence, among others.

During this first stage, which was implemented in three secondary schools between September and October 2023, 1,134 questionnaires of 81 questions were applied, in which 222 students were detected to be at risk of falling into this type of behavior.

The director of the DIF, Carlos Galindo, informed that the «C3» program is promoted by the municipal president, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, and was first carried out in 2019, but was suspended due to the pandemic in 2020.

Through the intervention days, which are held over three weekends, 60 students who presented a risk situation, accompanied by their parents attended the orientation talks to prevent them from falling into self-destructive behaviors such as alcohol consumption, drugs, domestic violence, violence with friends or during courtship, suicide among others, she explained.

In some cases, all the family members attended, who together with their parents and siblings took the opportunity to support the at-risk youth.

To request the implementation of the «C3» program in schools, the directors must apply to the DIF system of Tecámac and expose the problems that arise in the school.

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