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Jaguar Helicopter from Ecatepec lands on highway to transport injured soldier after rollover / @FerVilchisMx @Ecatepec >>>

#Ecatepec, #Edoméx.- Municipal President Fernando Vilchis Contreras indicated that following the emergency call, ambulances UM2019 and UM2020 were activated, in addition to the urban rescue unit 454 of Civil Protection, to provide support to the injured; however, upon arrival at the accident site, the paramedics activated the protocol to airlift one of the elements, because he suffered moderate head trauma and an exposed fracture of the femur in the left leg.

He detailed that at the site, municipal paramedics provided attention to two more Sedena elements, while vehicular traffic was closed to facilitate the landing of the aircraft.

He said that after stabilizing the patient, who was identified as Manuel Perez Cruz, 38 years old, he was taken to the aircraft to be taken to the military hospital located at the Sata Lucia Air Base.

Vilchis Conteras added that two more military personnel were treated at the site, who were also taken by land to the military hospital in the municipality of Tecámac.

The driver of the Mexican Army vehicle 8002145 died after the rollover.

The mayor reiterated that after the Jaguar 1 and 2 helicopters were put into operation, more than a hundred patients whose health condition was serious were airlifted to specialty hospitals for medical attention.

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