jueves, mayo 9, 2024

Mexican students win in national robotics competition «First LEGO Challenge 2023-2024» / @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- Students from the State of Mexico triumphed in the national robotics competition «First LEGO Challenge 2023-2024» held at the «Juan de Dios Bátiz Paredes» Historical and Cultural Campus, Casco de Santo Tomás Campus of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN).

The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SECTI) informed that five of the 11 teams from the State of Mexico participating in this competition were the winners of the robotics competition and will represent Mexico and the State of Mexico at an international level.
The teams are made up of students from Mexico who had an important participation in this event that brought together the talent of more than 700 children and adolescents outstanding in the field of robotics from all over the country.

Among the teams from Mexico that will represent Mexico in the international stage that will be held in the United States, Australia and Norway are: Cyberbots (first place); Nucleólicos (second place), both from Toluca; «J.A.R.V.I.S» (third place), from Tianguistenco; «Filadelfia Black Dragonflies» (fourth place), from Atizapán; and «Powered Engineering» (seventh place), from Temoaya.

In the national event «First LEGO League Mexico 2023-2024», in which 73 teams representing 24 Mexican states participated, «Venabots» from «Valentín Gómez Farías» High School in San José del Rincón, State of Mexico, was recognized as the revelation team.

In addition, «Excellence in Engineering» was awarded to the team «Filadelfia Dragón Flies» from the State of Mexico and «Tecuanis», from the Escuela Secundaria Técnica Industrial y Comercial No. 0077 «Códices Mexicanos», from Texcoco.

The special recognition for «Gender Perspective» was given to the team «Sinergia 107Q. Mentes Creativas» from the Telesecundaria «Lic. Álvaro Gálvez y Fuentes», from Tenancingo.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico News tv

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