lunes, mayo 6, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste provides comprehensive treatment to more than 100,000 people with epilepsy / @BerthaAlcalde @ISSSTE_mx >>>

#ISSSTE.- Currently, the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste) provides personalized comprehensive treatment to more than 100,000 patients with epilepsy; this improves their quality of life through highly specialized procedures.

In order to raise public awareness of the importance of early diagnosis and timely treatment, World Epilepsy Day is being commemorated on March 26, and neurology specialists from the Institute are providing information on the risks of sudden death in people with this condition who do not receive medical attention.

Specialists from the Epilepsy Surgery Clinic of the National Medical Center (CMN) «20 de Noviembre» emphasize that it is important to keep control of the disease, since if it is not properly treated, the deterioration of the functional state of the sufferer increases, affecting his or her quality of life.
They reminded that epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, caused by an excessive electrical discharge in the neurons. This condition considerably diminishes the quality of life, as it increases the probability of accidents and its evolution is potentiated if adequate treatment is not accessed.

They added that epilepsy develops when the discharge pattern of neurons is altered and affects the normal function of the brain, causing focal onset seizures, which manifest with involuntary movement in some part of the body and full awareness of the environment; however, generalized seizures are characterized by loss of consciousness.

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