sábado, mayo 4, 2024
Breaking News

Esmeralda Vallejo announces increased medical care for LGBTTTIQ+ populations in Ecatepec / @Ecatepec >>>>

#Ecatepec, #Edoméx.- The president of the DIF system of Ecatepec, Esmeralda Vallejo Martínez, informed that in coordination with the municipal government and the Direction of Diversity and Attention to LGBTTTIQ+ Populations, the construction of the first health clinic for the attention of people of this sector of society is planned.

He indicated that the objective is to provide specialized attention to members of the sexual diversity populations, so that they have a place that can attend to their needs and above all is free of violence and discrimination.

He said: «This clinic will attend to the needs of the LGBTTTIQ+ population. This can include everything from medical accompaniment, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, to the possibility of channeling patients to hospitals that can treat them in specialized areas».

Vallejo Martinez recalled that this initiative was raised in the open town hall session that took place in the Ehecatl Ecological Park last February of this year, and that it was one of the proposals made by the citizens who participated.

«We are working on the proposal so that they can be attended 100% here in Ecatepec and we don’t have to go to Mexico City,» said Leslie Martínez Aguilar, head of the Direction of Diversity and Attention to LGBTTTIQ+ Populations.

On the occasion of the International Day of Trans Visibility, a discussion was held where speakers shared experiences and advice on issues such as education, health, prevention of bullying in childhood, access to justice and labor law.

For 15 years, every March 31, the International Day of Trans Visibility has been celebrated, which seeks to raise awareness in society against transphobia around the world.

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