domingo, enero 19, 2025
Distinguished news

With visits to six municipalities, Mariela Gutiérrez begins the second half of her Senate campaign / @MarielaGtzEsc >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, candidate to the Senate of the Coalition «Let’s Continue Making History», begins this week the second half of her campaign, with the broad support of thousands of Mexicans, after visiting a third of the municipalities of the state in her first 45 days of campaigning.

With the advantage given by the polls to the formula for the Senate of the Republic, which she forms with Higinio Martinez, the standard bearer will continue with her tours through the different regions of the State of Mexico to get in close contact with the electorate and to make her proposals known.

This week she will visit six more municipalities, which will surpass the 50 districts visited in her campaign, and she will also meet with the media in the Valley of Mexico.

She will hold meetings with militants and supporters in Lerma, San Mateo Atenco, Naucalpan, Temascalapa, Acambay and Timilpan, and in the case of the first of these, it will be the third time she visits Lerma.

The campaign of Mariela Gutierrez, in which she has been accompanied in several events with Senator Martinez Miranda, who is seeking reelection, has managed to consolidate and is identified with the electorate of a good part of the Mexican territory. In addition, it has served to dislodge the PRI of the state, since several of the few leaders it still has have begun to migrate to Morena and to the group of the Senate candidate and it is expected that in the next few days several more will join.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico News tv

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