Government of the State of Mexico presents work plan for the protection of journalists and activists / @Edomex >>>
#EstadoDeMéxico.- The Executive Coordination of the Mechanism for the Integral Protection of Journalists and Human Rights Defenders (CEMPIDH) presented its Annual Work Plan 2024, which strengthens public policies and inter-institutional coordination to prevent actions that violate or threaten the integrity of these sectors of the population.
It highlights the creation of communication channels with communicators and activists, such as an Internet portal with information on the mechanism and means of contact so that people at risk due to their professional work can request their incorporation from this platform, which speeds up reaction times.
With this roadmap, the Government of the State of Mexico promotes the active participation of the members of the CEMPIDH Advisory Council to strengthen its operation, organization and performance.
Legal Advisor Jesús George Zamora highlighted the preventive and inclusive approach of the Plan, which complies with the Law for the Integral Protection of Journalists and Human Rights Defenders of the State of Mexico.
«One that focuses fundamentally on prevention, that part is very important that we continue to cultivate it and not abandon it, even what I see is that it is fully aligned practically fulfilling each of the fractions that Article 45 of the Protection Law points out.
«And the second is precisely to incorporate in the Work Plan of the Coordination of the Mechanism this collaboration, this interrelation with the Consultative Council, safeguarding its autonomy, its independence with respect to the Executive Coordination», affirmed Jesús George Zamora.
Meanwhile, the head of CEMPIDH, Luis Miguel Carriedo Téllez, confirmed that the document projects agreements and prevention and awareness courses for public servants from different institutions, among other cross-cutting actions.
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