SEP issues second call for applications to support the Adult Education Program INEA / @Letamaya @SEP_mx >>>
#SEP.- The Ministry of Public Education (SEP), through the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA), is issuing the second call 2024 for those who wish to participate as a Volunteer Beneficiary of the Subsidy (PVBS), in support of the Adult Education Program, which offers literacy, primary and secondary education services for young people and adults who are behind in their education.
With this call for applications, INEA is looking for more than 11 thousand people from all over the country to join in order to carry out different activities in the field of education for young people and adults.
PVBS candidates must be of legal age and have a high school education. In the case of support to educational services in bilingual literacy counseling, the minimum level of studies required is secondary school completion; additionally, they must have knowledge of the mother tongue in which they will teach literacy.
The selection process for applicants will take place from May 2 to 24 in five stages.
Stage I: The State Adult Education Institutes (IEEA) and the INEA’s Operation Units (UO) will establish the number of PVBS and the type of service required, according to the needs of the educational service in the territory, as long as there is enough budget available.
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