Outstanding Governor

Reconstruction Committee refines process for requesting federal resources in Nuevo León / @samuel_garcias @nuevoleon >>>

#EstadoDeNuevoLeón.- In its second session, the Committee for the Reconstruction after the storm «Alberto» established the guidelines to request resources from the federation.

After requesting the support of the mayors to define the amount to be requested for this purpose, Governor Samuel García pointed out that one of the options is financing based on the five percent of public debt that has already been approved by the Ministry of Finance.

He said that tomorrow he will deliver the complete Reconstruction Projects Package for Nuevo Leon after the storm «Alberto», a concentrate of technical files presented by the municipalities whose infrastructure was affected.

At the head of the session, which was attended by mayors and representatives from almost all of the state’s municipalities, the state governor stated that with the arrival of the months in which more meteorological phenomena will occur, this commission should be permanent and now resources will be sought in three ways to compensate for the damages caused by the storm.

The first one would be to get resources from existing federal funds, another one could be through Banobras and a third one corresponds to the financing of public debt that will be requested to the Ministry of Finance.

«The first request is that the mayors send us via Javier Navarro, Secretary General of Government, the presentation of damages with photographs and the quantification in order to be able to close the disaster agreement tonight», said the President.

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