lunes, julio 8, 2024

In Tecámac, the Community Recreational Ride takes place in the Sierra Hermosa sports center / @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The Government of Tecámac, through the Municipal Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (Imdeporte), held this Sunday the «Community Recreational Ride» with the participation of 150 people in the Sierra Hermosa Ecological and Sports Park.

The administration headed by the municipal president by operation of law, Rocio Miguel Hernandez, carries out these actions to encourage physical activities among the population.

From 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, families gathered to enjoy this community ride, which consisted of pedaling 4 kilometers; but also the attendees could ride tricycles, skates or for the little ones in strollers, an event that was totally free.

These activities are carried out to encourage, mainly among children and young people, the practice of sports, which provides benefits in their physical and intellectual development.

Every weekend Imdeporte organizes different sports activities in the communities of the municipality. In addition, it is possible to participate in swimming lessons, boxing, karate, walking, and Olympic wrestling, among other activities.

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