viernes, julio 5, 2024
Communications and Transport

SICT recommends extreme safety measures when driving on highways in the face of heavy rains / @SICT_mx >>>

#SICT.- The Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) informs that tropical depression Chris caused 113 incidents and considerable damage to the Federal Highway Network, as well as to several rural and feeder roads in 6 states of the country.

The natural phenomenon lashed the states of Chiapas, Veracruz, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo and Nuevo Leon with heavy rains and caused havoc.

The following incidents occurred on the Federal Highway Network:

San Luis Potosí

On the Rioverde-Cd. Valles toll highway, section: Rayón-La Pitahaya (subsection 6) Km: 65+950, 18 flakes broke off on the western front face of the Vehicular Overpass (PSV). The PSV is closed and there is a detour by federal highway.


Mex 199 Catazajá – Rancho Nuevo km 127+000, there is settlement on the right lane of the road surface. Partial interruption.

In process of attention Mex 199 Catazajá – Rancho Nuevo km 90+500 There is partial interruption due to landslides, it is expected to open tomorrow.

Nuevo Leon

Mex 58 Linares – San Roberto km 0+700 to km 64+000, landslides were registered. Total interruption to traffic at km 34+600. Opening with restrictions.


Mex 175 Tuxtepec-Oaxaca, due to heavy rains landslides were registered at km 196+400. Partial interruption.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico News tv

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