DIF Atizapán de Zaragoza now has decent facilites and professional services; Patricia Arévalo gives her Third Report of Activities
#AtizapánDeZaragoza, #EstadoDeMéxico.- As a result of a joint effort, guided by the commitment to work for the welfare of the people of Atizapán de Zaragoza, Professor Patricia Arévalo Rubio, Honorary President of the DIF of Atizapán de Zaragoza, presented the book of the Third Report of Activities to the Municipal President Pedro Rodríguez Villegas, which highlights his work for the benefit of families.
In her report, the head of the Municipal System highlighted that 13 million pesos were invested in the rehabilitation of all the facilities of the organization, in which stands out the recovery of the Lomas de San Lorenzo Subsystem, in the neighborhood of the same name, infrastructure that was in a deplorable state, which had an investment of 3 million pesos in equipment.
The President commented that, «today it is a dignified facility where people of all ages are attended day by day in Rehabilitation Therapies and also citizens who have some kind of disability, develop thanks to the Center for Social Integration for People with Intellectual Disabilities (CISPEDI)».