domingo, enero 19, 2025
Outstanding Mayor

Mayoress Geraldine Ponce: The Enchanted Forest of Hope a Success / @Gobiernodetepic >>>

#Tepic, #Nay.- The municipal president of Tepic, Geraldine Ponce, informed that the 2024 edition of the Enchanted Forest of Hope was a great success, with more than 600 thousand attendees.

In addition, it had an economic revenue of 65 million pesos, the highest since this event has been held.

Likewise, Geraldine Ponce highlighted that more than 150 merchants were installed in Juan Escutia Park and inside the Enchanted Forest of Hope. In addition, more than 500 artists, dancers and actors participated in the daily shows.

During the closing of the Enchanted Forest of Hope, which was led by President Geraldine Ponce, there were more than 50 thousand people, who enjoyed free chocolate and donuts, as well as a raffle of 100 tablets and other gifts.

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