sábado, julio 27, 2024
Outstanding Governor

Governor of Quintana Roo, Mara Lezama, delivers street resurfacing to residents of Chetumal / @MaraLezama @GobQuintanaRoo >>>

#EstadoDeQuintanaRoo.- In order for the families of the capital city to transform their quality of life, the State Government headed by Mara Lezama Espinosa rehabilitated Laguna Encantada Street in the David Gustavo Gutiérrez neighborhood, which had not been attended for more than 20 years.

The rehabilitation work was coordinated by the Ministry of Public Works with the participation of the Othón P. Blanco City Hall and the beneficiary neighbors. This new way of governing, objective of the New Agreement for the Welfare and Development of Quintana Roo, yields different results.

To bring back the shine to the state capital, Mara Lezama is carrying out projects and actions for the benefit of the people, mainly the poorest, in accordance with this government of true, humanist and progressive change.

For this work, between José María Morelos and Francisco I. Madero avenues, almost 991 thousand pesos were invested. The goals were 1,049 square meters of paving with 4-centimeter thick asphalt concrete; 221 linear meters of sidewalk construction; 331.50 square meters of concrete sidewalks.

In addition, 57.48 square meters of ramps for handicapped people; repair of outlets; 276.25 linear meters of horizontal and vertical signage, as well as 10 linear meters of pipe repair for wiring, informed the head of the SEOP, Irazú Sarabia.

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