Economy and Tourism

Operation Toca Puertas arrives in China to boost tourism, connectivity and investment in Mexico / @SECTUR_mx >>>

#SECTUR.- Also accompanied by the Secretary of Tourism of Baja California, Miguel Aguíñiga Rodríguez, and businessmen of the industry, in Shenzhen, the head of the Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) held a meeting with the president of China Southern Airlines, Yuan Jintao, and the airline’s vice president, Hou Ming, as well as three important tour operators of this region of China, with whom he discussed the importance of air connectivity, recently resumed, to encourage the flow of tourists between the two nations.

It is worth mentioning that on May 11, China Southern Airlines launched the historic Shenzhen-Mexico City route, the longest in the history of this Asian country, with a distance of 14,000 kilometers, thus ending the pause generated by the pandemic four years ago, to have a direct route between the two nations.

It was reported that in these months of operation it has transported more than 3,600 passengers and more than 168 tons of cargo. From May to October of this year, 49 flights with 10,708 seats are scheduled.

Prior to the pandemic, the airline operated the direct route Canton-Mexico City, and now connects with Shenzhen, an important cosmopolitan city with a great economic development in which there are large international companies, and which have a strong relationship with our country, so this route will strengthen the tourist and economic exchange with Mexico.

Torruco Marqués presented an overview of Mexico’s tourist wealth, which consolidates it as a world power in this area, thanks to the mosaic of colors, flavors and all kinds of natural and cultural attractions, among others.

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