
Canada returns 257 archaeological artifacts to Mexico / @aliciabarcena @SRE_mx >>>

#SRE.- The Government of Mexico, through its Consulate General in Montreal, Canada, received in restitution 257 pieces of archaeological origin, voluntarily handed over by Mexican citizen Susana Zarco Carón, who has lived in that country since 1968.

At the restitution ceremony, held on Monday, July 8, the Consul General of Mexico in Montreal, Victor Treviño Escudero, acknowledged and thanked Mrs. Zarco Carón for her interest in returning this set of heritage elements to our country.

Based on a report carried out by specialists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), an institution of the federal Ministry of Culture, it has been established that the archaeological assets delivered are the property of the Mexican nation, in accordance with the Federal Law on Archaeological, Artistic and Historic Monuments and Zones.

The analysis determined that 256 pieces are movable archaeological monuments, coming from different Mesoamerican civilizations, with dates that begin in the Classic period (200-900 A.D.) and end in the Postclassic period (1200-1521 A.D.); the remaining piece is of historical character.

Mexico has implemented a series of actions and legal strategies that have led to the restitution of our country’s cultural heritage located abroad, thanks to the joint efforts of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture.

The 257 archaeological pieces that will be returned soon are in addition to the more than 13,500 recovered as part of the #MiPatrimonioNoSeVende strategy, through which the Mexican government has reaffirmed its commitment to recover, safeguard and disseminate illicitly plundered cultural heritage.

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