Education and Culture

In the first half of the year, INEA certifies more than 300,000 people in literacy training / @Letamaya @SEP_mx >>>

#SEP.- In the first half of 2024, the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), through the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA), certified 313,821 young people and adults over 15 years of age, who completed their studies through literacy, primary and secondary education.

Of this figure, 13,415 people who were illiterate obtained proof that they had learned to read and write; 118,244 completed primary school, while 182,162 certified secondary school, all with a document officially validated by the SEP.

This was announced by the Director General of INEA, Ixchel George Hernández, during the delivery of certificates of the Women Studying program, in the Iztapalapa mayor’s office, through which economic support is delivered on a monthly basis to INEA female students aged 30 years or older who are studying a basic or higher education level.

She recognized the importance of this aid to provide quality education to adult women who wish to start, continue or finish their studies.

He informed that, in Mexico City, INEA has delivered primary and secondary school certificates, as well as literacy certificates to 5,589 people aged 15 and older.

He reaffirmed INEA’s commitment to provide educational services with quality, relevance and the human warmth that everyone deserves.

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