domingo, octubre 13, 2024
Education and Culture

The Inehrm will present the collective work “ The rise of Maderista and the end of the Porfirian regime” / @cultura_mx >>>

#Cultura.- To add an original contribution, due to its characteristics, to the extensive bibliography on the end of the Porfiriato and the rise of Francisco I. Madero and his democratic dream, the National Institute of Historical Studies of the Revolutions of Mexico (Inehrm), an institution of the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Mexico, invites to the presentation of the book El ascenso maderista y el fin del régimen porfiriano, of collective authorship.

The editorial presentation will be in person at the institute’s headquarters (Plaza del Carmen 27, San Ángel, CP 01000, alcaldía Álvaro Obregón) and will be broadcast live on Facebook (/inehrm.fanpage) and YouTube (Inehrm Channel) on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. The presentation will be attended by the historian of the book El ascenso maderista y fin de el régimen porfiriano (The Rise of Maderista and the End of the Porfirian Regime), who will be in attendance.

It will be attended by historian and professor at the School of Foreign Service and the Department of History, director of the Forum of the Americas, and member of the academic committee of the Georgetown Americas Institute, author of The Mexican Heartland: How Communities Shaped Capitalism, a Nation and World History, 1500-2000, John Tutino, and the general director of Inehrm, historian Felipe Ávila Espinoza.

In addition, the coordinators of the work will participate: historian and communicator Fernando Pérez Montesinos, historian and political scientist Tatiana Pérez Ramírez and historian Edgar Urbina Sebastián, who contributed with their essays and are authors of the book’s Introduction, dedicated to politician and historian Adolfo Gilly, who, in particular, is recognized for his work Cada quien morirá por su lado, a reasoned investigation and a passionate account of the Decena Trágica and the armed actions that devastated Mexico City in February 1913.

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