Atizapán de Zaragoza complies with the savings in spending, redirection and budget update / @Pedro_RVillegas @GobAtizapan >>>
#Atizapán, #Edoméx.- In compliance with the provisions of the Financial Code of the State of Mexico, the City Council of Atizapán de Zaragoza, chaired by Mayor Pedro Rodríguez Villegas, authorized the Municipal Treasury to present to the Superior Audit Body of the State of Mexico (OSFEM), within the Third Quarterly Report 2024, the savings in expenditure, redirection and programmatic budgetary update executed by the Administration agencies for the fiscal year 2024.
This was authorized at the One Hundred and Twentieth Ordinary Session of the City Council, held in the Adolfo López Mateos Room of the Municipal Palace.
According to OSFEM, the document to be submitted by the Government of Atizapán de Zaragoza must be submitted quarterly by the auditable entities of the State of Mexico, through the municipal treasuries and the Ministry of Finance or equivalent, on the economic situation, public finances and, where appropriate, public debt, for analysis.
And it will be made up of information of an economic and administrative, accounting and financial, patrimonial, payroll, progress in compliance with the Development Plan of the State of Mexico, public works, programmatic and budgetary nature.
And within the framework of the so-called pink month, dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer, the Atizapán Council also recognized the effort and dedication of the Municipal President, Pedro Rodríguez Villegas, in collaboration with the President of the Municipal DIF System, Patricia Arévalo Rubio, for carrying out actions to prevent this disease, such as the great commemorative day held on the municipal esplanade on the International Day of the Fight against Breast Cancer.
“Thank you, Mr. President, for taking care of the health and well-being of women in Atizapán de Zaragoza,” said the Municipal Trustee Silvia Márquez.
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