GEM will strengthen the state Security Secretariat with high-tech equipment and vehicles / @Edomex >>>
#EstadoDeMéxico.- In order to provide state police with adequate tools and strengthen the vehicle fleet, the Government of Professor Delfina Gómez Álvarez will provide the State of Mexico Security Secretariat (SSEM) with high-tech equipment and vehicles.
“To provide better tools to elements in the field, 213 official units will be delivered, of which 13 are armored, 10 of them will be destined to the Coordination of Tactical Groups and three to the Traffic Directorate”; these have already been integrated into the strategic deployments implemented with the purpose of inhibiting illegal acts, announced Governor Delfina Gómez Álvarez.
The trucks have level three armor and 13 of them level five; in addition to opaque armor with high hardness ballistic steel greater than 600 Brinell, transparent armor with glass thickness of 42 millimeters, in windshields and front and rear door windows.
They have Roll Bar side gun ports, police turret, full-function siren, radio repeater and public address system, which offers maximum warning protection in a compact design, while being all-terrain.
The new units are equipped with cutting-edge high technology that strengthens the work of officers, for example: a two-inch high turret with 228 high-performance and eye-catching flash patterns, a hand-held electronic siren with a 100/200 watt light controller, a taillight system, front and rear headlights with state-of-the-art LEDs.
Other features include an 806-870mhz mobile radio, a recorder with up to eight video channels, a GPS module, GPRS, 3G/4G and Wi-Fi integrated with motion detection, video surveillance kit, alarm button, a steel tow bar with a maximum tow capacity of 3 thousand kilos.
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