domingo, enero 19, 2025
Federal Government

The Government of the State of Mexico promotes the native communities of the State of Mexico through Welfare Programs / @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- In order to contribute to the actions undertaken by Governor Delfina Gómez Álvarez to promote fair environments for indigenous communities, migrants and Afro-descendants to achieve adequate development, the State Council for the Integral Development of Indigenous Peoples of the State of Mexico (CEDIPIEM), in 2024, launched three social programs.

This organism, which belongs to the Welfare Secretariat, headed by Juan Carlos González Romero, orients its work to address the specific needs of the Mazahua, Nahua, Otomí, Tlahuica and Matlatzinca peoples, through initiatives and inclusive schemes that allow them to develop in a timely manner.

The first program is Indigenous Children with Wellbeing, designed to improve the nutrition of Mexicans between the ages of 3 and 15, who are in a situation of poverty and lack access to quality food.

Likewise, Indigenous Development with Wellbeing is aimed at people over 18 years of age who live in the State of Mexico and consists of the delivery of goods, machinery, equipment and/or non-perishable raw materials to strengthen productive capacity and promote self-employment.

And the Indigenous Cultural Welfare program, which offers monetary or in-kind support to indigenous people over the age of 18 who promote the fundamental cultural manifestations of indigenous identity and heritage.

These efforts contribute to the construction of a future in which dignity, respect and integral development are a tangible reality for all, and will continue to have an impact on the development of the Mexican families who need it most.

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