domingo, enero 19, 2025

Mayor JM Unánue celebrates more than 3 thousand people in Boca del Río on Three Kings Day / @_BocadelRio >>>

#BocaDelRío, #Ver.- In front of more than three thousand people, the mayor of Boca del Río, Juan Manuel Unánue Abascal, led the celebration of Three Kings Day, in an afternoon full of joy and surprises for the children of Boca del Río.

“A very special day for the little ones of the house, it is already a tradition here in Boca del Río, here in this very place (Dren B).

“We bring gifts, bicycle raffles, clowns, candy, a nice afternoon with the family,” said the mayor.

Prior to the celebration, all the little ones received a gift and their ticket for the raffle of 50 bicycles. They also enjoyed games, inflatables and the show of the clowns “Los Trifásicos”, Críquet El Payaso, Payaso Farolito and La Payasa ghiighii “yiyi”.

And very importantly, the Three Wise Men Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar were present to deliver all the gifts.

For her part, the President of the municipal DIF, Melina Rivera de Unánue, emphasized that this day is very important for the municipal administration.

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