Se han atendido 77 mil 800 baches en la Red Carretera Federal Libre de Peaje: SICT / @SICT_mx >>>
#SICT.- The Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) informs that the Bachetón Road Maintenance Program continues and is present throughout the country; 77,800 potholes have been repaired with an advance of 14,400 kilometers of the Toll-Free Federal Highway Network.
These 77,800 potholes that have been repaired are equivalent to the use of 58,000 tons of asphalt mix on 360,000 square meters, with the support of 1,939 work teams, the operation of 277 crews and 1,662 workers.
Also noteworthy is the work carried out in periodic maintenance, in the attention of 165 thousand square meters, equivalent to 19 thousand tons of asphalt mixture, in which 145 work teams and 353 workers have participated.
All this for the benefit of more than 100 million Mexicans throughout the country.
#MéxicoNewsTv – México News tv